Anne Miller Marriage Celebrant Sep 26, 2021 HOW DO WE APPLY FOR A SHORTENING OF TIME FOR OUR WEDDING CEREMONY?Sometimes circumstances change and you may need to apply to The Registrar of Births Deaths and Marriage for a Shortening of Time so you...
Anne Miller Marriage Celebrant Apr 11, 2021HOW TO WRITE YOUR WEDDING VOWSThinking about writing your own wedding vows but you just can't get started? The moment your partner hears all the beautiful words you've...
Anne Miller Marriage Celebrant Mar 14, 2021CHOOSING THE DATE FOR YOUR WEDDINGYou're engaged! The next step is to start planning your wedding and the biggest question is - how do we decide on the date for our...
Anne Miller Marriage Celebrant Feb 21, 2021Wedding WisdomEXCHANGING WEDDING RINGS: WHAT TO SAY IN YOUR CEREMONYThe exchanging of rings is a small part of your ceremony but it can be filled with a lot of meaning. Your celebrant might say a statement...
Anne Miller Marriage CelebrantFeb 5, 2021Wedding WisdomA SAMPLE WEDDING CEREMONY ORDERWe all know that there's usually vows, rings and a kiss at the end, but is there an order of events and what must be in a ceremony to...
Anne Miller Marriage Celebrant Jan 26, 2021Wedding Wisdom30 LOVE QUOTES FOR YOUR WEDDING CEREMONY“I choose you. And I’ll choose you over and over and over. Without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I’ll keep choosing you.” —...